James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

First @RealUpHuman contact - Deception and Lying --- Why we cant ever go there!
4 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 4:55 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>

This is a YouTube Video Playlist of the following list of videos:

Deception and Lying --- Why we cant ever go there!

The Quickening Are You An Innie Or An Outie?


Words To Live By : "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" --- Words Circa 1750s


Know And Be Your True Self Ch 5 Becoming Truly Moral Introduction to the currency of morality


#Makta.Pond : Good Friends True Friends - Why Do You Humans Lie So Much?


The Science of Lying


The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other! [#09]


I expect that this playlist shows that I am well aware of the topics of deception. I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life at as close to as possible as 100% of the time. 

We, our society, is ripping away at the seems of mistrust and fear based living.  That is what is driving some of these insanity mass shootings.  Even if it is mental illness.... it is up to the society to recogize why and make a social correction to a different way.

That is what I am offering you -- is who and what I represent --- as a peace builder.  An alternative in social media tools that allows reprimands to stick like glue to a most unique binding presence.

That is the presence of the Mptatpo -- Reconciliation --- The Binding Knot that brings parties in a dispute together to work out their differences in peace building negotiations where there is a fairness oritentation that we don't leave the debate without resolve and absolution of all of the issues. 

That is the solution for some intractable conflicts. Although BeyondIntractability.org does not mention mptatpo by name, it does mention where forum where open dialogue can occur. 

That is what is missing in our society.

This case to bring forward is complex  but the basis of my work is words to live by from 1750s -- things that the United States forgot when the creation of the foundation documents of our nation in 1776.  We need to bring these words into priority perspectives --- for the secrets to happiness lie in them.  They have been the words that have guided me since my discovery of them online way long before the source of the words were placed in this document : first online :

First published online 7 April 2006 at
🗣http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By [ With Spoken Voice Interface ]

I am much more than you think I am --- I am wisdom wise.

Inline image 1

Are you going to stop this persecution of  a peace builder or also allow
the haters to win?

Physicians, more than half of thy disease!
Laughter, though never censured yet as sin,

I have already provided these in detailed of http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By

Inline image 2

Inline image 3

James Driskill

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 4:59 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>

> Physicians, more than half of thy disease!
> Laughter, though never censured yet as sin,

Note:The Script Code of this top message was scrunched up. I am sending the remaining of this email by removiing the formatting....
hope that takes care of it.

On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 4:55 PM, Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com> wrote:
> This is a YouTube Video Playlist of the following list of videos:
> Deception and Lying --- Why we cant ever go there!
> James Driskill
> 7:59
> The Quickening Are You An Innie Or An Outie?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3:45
> Words To Live By : "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth" --- Words Circa 1750s
>   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1:31
> Know And Be Your True Self Ch 5 Becoming Truly Moral Introduction to the currency of morality
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 6:39
> #Makta.Pond : Good Friends True Friends - Why Do You Humans Lie So Much?
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 8:50
> The Science of Lying
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 9:53
> The Community As A Whole Must Seek To Understand Each Other! [#09]
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I expect that this playlist shows that I am well aware of the topics of deception. I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life at as close to as possible as 100% of the time.
> We, our society, is ripping away at the seems of mistrust and fear based living.  That is what is driving some of these insanity mass shootings.  Even if it is mental illness.... it is up to the society to recogize why and make a social correction to a different way.
> That is what I am offering you -- is who and what I represent --- as a peace builder.  An alternative in social media tools that allows reprimands to stick like glue to a most unique binding presence.
> That is the presence of the Mptatpo -- Reconciliation --- The Binding Knot that brings parties in a dispute together to work out their differences in peace building negotiations where there is a fairness orientation that we don't leave the debate without resolve and absolution of all of the issues.
> That is the solution for some intractable conflicts. Although BeyondIntractability.org does not mention mptatpo by name, it does mention where forum where open dialogue can occur.
> That is what is missing in our society.
> This case to bring forward is complex  but the basis of my work is words to live by from 1750s -- things that the United States forgot when the creation of the foundation documents of our nation in 1776.  We need to bring these words into priority perspectives --- for the secrets to happiness lie in them.  They have been the words that have guided me since my discovery of them online way long before the source of the words were placed in this document : first online :
> I
> First published online 7 April 2006 at
> www.litgothic.com
> Full Text Archived Here:
> http://wordstoliveby.gruwup.net/young_night_thoughts.pdf
> http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By [ With Spoken Voice Interface ]
> I am much more than you think I am --- I am wisdom wise.
> Are you going to stop this persecution of  a peace builder or also allow
> the haters to win?
> Physicians, more than half of thy disease!
> Laughter, though never censured yet as sin,
> I have already provided these in detailed of http://community.gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By
> James Driskill

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 5:00 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
Do yourself a favor, for I have read the entire text of this:

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 5:18 PM
To: "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
pretext of this of course omitted here... this is an excerpt expanded on morality and conscience.... like Pope Francis' Words end ---- I expect to see you at my home for that discussion matter --- for I am the one wisdom wise here in this case.  Thank you for being an opening to opportunity to bring back some sanity in our society.

Your marker in history will not be unnoticed to what actions you have in this case. 


Good conscience!---at the sound the world retires:
Verse disaffects it, and Lorenzo smiles;
Yet has she her seraglio full of charms;
And such as age shall heighten, not impair.
Art thou dejected? Is thy mind o'ercast?
Amid her fair ones, thou the fairest choose,
Thy gloom to chase.---"Go, fix some w
eighty truth; Chain down some passion;
do some generous good; Teach Ignorance
to see, or Grief to smile; Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe; Or, with warm heart, and confidence Divine, Spring up, and lay strong hold on Him who made thee."
Thy gloom is scatter'd, sprightly spirits flow,
Though wither'd is thy vine, and harp unstrung.
Dost call the bowl, the viol, and the dance,
Loud mirth, mad laughter?
Wretched comforters!
Physicians, more than half of thy disease!
Laughter, though never censured yet as sin,
(Pardon a thought that only seems severe
Is half-immoral: is it much indulged?
By venting spleen, or dissipating thought,
It shows a scorner, or it makes a fool;
And sins, as hurting others or ourselves.
'Tis Pride, or Emptiness, applies the straw
That tickles little minds to mirth effuse;
Of grief approaching, the portentous sign!
The house of laughter makes a house of w
A man triumphant is a monstrous sight;
A man dejected is a sight as mean.
What cause for triumph where such ills abound?

Continues Of Course....

How about a starting point of morality #WordsToLiveBy

Go Fix Some Weighty Truth.


Inline image 1

I am not sure of these multi-language links still work....

#WordsToLiveBy [English:@Gruwup]

________________________________________________________________[ @ G R U W U P dot NET ]______


Words To Live By


Art thou dejected?
Is thy mind o'ercast?
To chase thy gloom,
Go fix some weighty truth;
Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
Be just in all things; make amends
For follies past, and, with warm heart,
Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
And then thy counsels will be strong,
Thy reprimands avail. —ANON


THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude 
forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative 
may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the 
deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should 
deliver a plain unvarnished tale.


about: Words To Live By

These Words Above Appear In These Titled Publications:


Elegant extracts - Volumes 1-2
Vicesimus Knox -[;year] 1809

The works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young - Volume 3
Edward Young -[;year] 1811

Poems divine and moral: many of them now first published

Much instruction from little reading: or, extracts from some of the most approved authors, ancient and modern [;year] 1827

The Poetical works of Milton, Young, Gray, Beattie, and Collins
John Milton, Edward Young, Thomas Gray -[;year] 1836

The Cynosure: being select passages from the most distinguished writers
[;year] 1837

Ravensdale: A Tale - Volume 2
Robert Thynne -[;year] 1845

Paradise lost: in twelve parts
John Milton, Edward Young -[;year] 1849

Many thoughts of many minds. Compiled by H. Southgate
by Henry Southgate - [;year] 1862

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
Adam Woolbever (comp.), comp Adam Woolbever -[;year] 1881

Exercises, rules, and hints on elocution
George Walter Baynham - [;year] 1881

History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter
J.H. Beers & Co -[;year] 1890

Treasury of wisdom, wit and humor, odd comparisons and proverbs:
[;year]1891 - Quotations, English

The Universalist leader - Volume 35, Issue 43
[;year] 1932

The Essays of "George Eliot"
George Eliot, Nathan Sheppard -[;year] 2009


 quoted google books search
 [ "go fix some weighty truth"] [ About 59 results (0.18 seconds) ]
 quoted google books search 
 [ "teach ignorance to see; or grief to smile" ] [ About 58 results (0.21 seconds)  ]


________________________________________________________________[ @ G R U W U P dot NET ]______

Distribution Version: WordsToLiveBy-Text.V1.1
Full URL Source:      http://gruwup.net/Words-To-Live-By/WordsToLiveBy.txt 
; [ g r u w u p dot  n e t / W o r d s - T o - L i v e - B y / W o r d s T o L i v e B y dot  t x t ]
Shortcut URL:         http://wordstoliveby.gruwup.net/WordsToLiveBy.txt 
; [ w o r d s t o l i v e b y dot  g r u w u p dot n e t / W o r d s T o L i v e B y dot  t x t ]

Created: ‎             Monday, ‎May ‎04, ‎2015, ‏‎10:01:13 PM
Last Modified:        1:28 PM 6/3/2016
Editing Author(s):    InTheMindway:GruwupAdmin

Originial Citation Source(s): 

History of the Counties of McKean, Elk, Cameron and Potter, J.H. Beers & Co - 1890 [ Usage ]
Reverend Edward Young, The Works of the Rev. Dr. Edward Young in Three Volumes Published 1811
Volume 3, Page 70, THE COMPLAINT; 37 Lines, Line 36 "Go Fix Some Weighty Truth"

Language Translations Available:

      Ingles  [English]: http://wordstoliveby.gruwup.net/WordsToLiveBy.txt
; [ w o r d s t o l i v e b y dot  g r u w u p dot n e t slash W o r d s T o L i v e B y dot  t x t

      Español [Spanish]: http://palabrasparavivir.gruwup.net/PalabrasParaVivir.txt
; [ p a l a b r a s p a r a v i v i r dot  g r u w u p dot n e t slash P a l a b r a s P a r a V i

v i r . t x t ]
      Fransis  [French]: http://motsavivrepar.gruwup.net/MotsAVivrePar.txt
; [ m o t s a v i v r e p a r dot  g r u w u p dot n e t slash M o t s A V i v r e P a r dot  t x t


________________________________________________________________[ @ G R U W U P dot NET ]______

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]