James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

On Going Harassment -- What Peacebuilding Tools I am Creating

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:46 PM
Reply-To: Martin.J.Driskill@inthemindway.org
To: Martin.J.Driskill@inthemindway.org
Cc: Cinamon 'The Spice Of Life To Makes Nice' Romeo <cinamon@rockymountaincares.org>, "tracy.scott@uchealth.org" <tracy.scott@uchealth.org>, monica.flynn@uchealth.org


10/1/16 5:07 PM 4 hours ago
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: How about you go straight To FUCKING hell James. Because I asked you several times to stop contacting me yet you refused. But now that it's you requesting me to stop - fuck you and your High Horse. 1:46 PM
Me: I'm not contacting you Nathan. I don't know what you are talking about. You are just causing drama. 1:48 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: If you learn how to read and comprehend the English language. I said in the past when I asked you to stop contacting me - you fucking idiot!!! 1:50 PM
Me: Why are you contacting me at all. I've not contacted you first. You keep contacting me. 1:53 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Do you not understand the word STOP, CEASE AND DECEASE??? THEY ALL MEAN SHUT THE FUCK UP 1:56 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: I never liked you from the beginning. And I purposely fuck David right in front of your face. 1:57 PM
Me: <Subject: Check out '#1 SMS Blocker. Award winner!'> - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.smsBlocker 4:29 PM
Me: Mr Norman: your Sms texts are blocked. I will not be contacting you. If you want go contact me. . Email: GodsSweetNectar@gruwup.net. 4:33 PM
Me: This is the only channel left. Your contacts are being deleted from my mobile devices. Http://community.gruwup.net 4:34 PM
Me: MMS Received 4:35 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Keep this garbage to yourself. 5:07 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: MMS Received 5:07 PM
Me: blocked 5:07 PM
Me: makta.pond@gruwup.net 6:22 PM

9/26/16 11:28 AM 5 days ago

NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: For what reason did you invite me to that community group? 10:04 AM
Me: What the fuck are you talking about? I am in the middle of a facebook post [ draft here ] to your disillusion -- who the hell are you working for? You are getting paid for these deceptions and distractions? Either that or you are being deceived by your communications - they are not from me. 10:11 AM
Me: I know you a creating this deception yourself. -- don't bother lying to me. 10:12 AM
Me: Why does this conversation [ MSNBC Chris Hayes dialogue interview ] that applies to the #BlackLivesMatter debate actually applies to a parallel struggle of an actual documented at each and every step of a #WhiteLivesWithHIVAIDSMatter case of DISENFRANCHISEMENT DISCRIMINATION in subterfuge that is still prevailing its wage of war time destruction of one human class over the other that remains unyielding pretense of hidden agendas to it's most highly destructive death over life wellness factors. These factors and persons involved at each and every step of this perversion in this has been unbreakable for over 10 years standing and documented in truth by this author at the same time to a most highly documented case step by step of exisitance that prooves this existance to a beyond a reasonable doubt [ all I ned is a prodomanance of the evidence ] is pervasive and highly destructive that I have unjustly received now going on #WhitelivesWithHIV indiviudal LIFE AND DEATH WELLNESS of Person's living with HIV/AIDS and the Person's Living Nonprofit With Balls​ 10:13 AM
Me: Let me get back to my facebook post please --- your distracting me. 10:13 AM
Me: [ draft ] : Why does this conversation [ MSNBC Chris Hayes dialogue interview ] that applies to the #BlackLivesMatter debate actually applies to a parallel struggle of an actual documented at each and every step of a #WhiteLivesWithHIVAIDSMatter case of DISENFRANCHISEMENT DISCRIMINATION in subterfuge that is still prevailing its wage of war time destruction of one human class over the other that remains unyielding pretense of hidden agendas to it's most highly destructive death over life wellness factors 10:15 AM
Me: [ draft ] : These factors and persons involved at each and every step of this perversion in this has been unbreakable for over 10 years standing and documented in truth by this author at the same time to a most highly documented case step by step of exisitance that prooves this existance to a beyond a reasonable doubt [ all I ned is a prodomanance of the evidence ] 10:15 AM
Me: [ draft ] You idiot Nathan! : is pervasive and highly destructive that I have unjustly received now going on #WhitelivesWithHIV indiviudal LIFE AND DEATH WELLNESS of Person's living with HIV/AIDS and the Person's Living Nonprofit With Balls 10:17 AM
Me: *** STOP HARASSING ME *** 10:17 AM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Your NARISSTIC IGNORANCE is no longer amusing. Because me responding to a text message from you IS NOT HARASSMENT - FOOL!!! 10:22 AM
Me: I gave you no text message today --- you fool. QUOTE what you received back to me --- you are being deceived or creating the deception yourself. there is no other logical conclusion 10:31 AM
Me: My alarm for meds woke me up at 9am -- i have been in the task of witting this activity true on my network -- proof-able -- nothing is being directed to you first --- during any of this time. 10:33 AM
Me: THE DRAFT IS NOW PUBLISHED POST : https://www.facebook.com/InTheMindway/posts/10207397425715936 10:33 AM
Me: IF ONLY YOU WOULD DRAW SOME BALLS -- and stop ignorace ignoring me -- you can google this you know -- [ #Krambone Norman ] : https://www.google.com/search?num=50&site=&source=hp&q=%23kramobone+norman&oq=%23kramobone+norman -- your community social profile setting in this space here is established already 11:19 AM
Me: Anything you receive from me --- is on the part that you aware of your association of standing here. --- you fail to be real. Your intelligence is not becoming this phony balcony carrying on -- I know you are not a dumb dim wit --- you are just narrow minded self centered selfish fuck. Get real. 11:21 AM
Me: Have you ever watched the [ now over 15 years old ] Showtime series Queer as Folk --- BRIAN the character in that story -- best describes you --- to a level I can equate you have your qualities... but they don't deserve honorable mention when you can't get real here. 11:23 AM
Me: Good Day Mr Norman --- You got to get a grip on what is techno-realism to understand where I am coming from -- but first you have to be stating your real intentions --- :http://awesomekramoboneplayroom/02/ - http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/02QR.jpg 11:25 AM
Me: BRIAN in Queer as Folk is at least not a deceiving liar --- honest about himself -- you are not. 11:26 AM
Me: http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/03/03QR.png --- TechnoRealism --here in the link with a click and listen spoken voice text narrative interface --- http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/03 11:28 AM
Me: Get Gruwup Rel dude! Stop contacting me when you have no reason to resolve our conflicts honestly. 11:28 AM

9/24/16 8:12 AM 7 days ago

NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: What are you still texting me for James??? 2:48 PM
Me: I have unit texted you. Even though you showed.up announced last week and invited me to call or text you back. Your Chaos is not wanted in this space. 2:50 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Good.to hear. 2:51 PM
Me: Do you know that today is The International Day Of Peace. September 21st. 2:52 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Because Everytime I attempt to forgive you , you only act a fool and fuck it up. 2:52 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: If today was the international day of peace. Then why don't you act peaceful??? 2:53 PM
Me: What have I done to not act peaceful? 2:54 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: If you learn not to attack when I cum in peace. We would not be at WAR 2:54 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: We are at WAR BECAUSE OF YOUR IGNORANCE 2:55 PM
Me: What have I attacked you on? The last comment was in any kind of light that was was regarding David Harris. That was weeks ago when I said you in part were responsible for the chaos he was bringing to my life because of you were the introduction source. Other than that. Everything here is logically placed to control such Chaos in this space to peace. 2:58 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Fool you just attacked me with the very 1st message. . Telling me that my chaos is not wanted here. When all I said was hello 2:59 PM
Me: No you did not just say hello. You said: NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar] - What are you still texting me for James??? 3:00 PM
Me: The attitude started with you. 3:01 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: I simple question 3:02 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Returned by an act of war on your part 3:02 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: I simple question. Returned by an act of war on your part 3:30 PM
Me: Act of war? Stating this : your Chaos is not wanted in this space. That is am act of war? 3:32 PM
Me: Try that again. I'm not sure why I could not answer your call 3:37 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Blah blah yakky yak 5:53 PM
Me: Nathan.. I have not done anything to you but you all are determined to try to cut down progress in technology that is going to happen whether I am here r not. You want to call this a war? I am not at war with you but it is obvious. You are the source of on going and continued harassment by multiple sources. Why don't you just call off the dogs because The future is going to happen no matter what. I am offering a technology solution that brings us all aware of where the world is headed. 5:58 PM
Me: Http://community.gruwup.net/07 : this has spoken voice narrative interface and presentation that is an hour and forty minutes in full. You are on the wrong side of history. 6:01 PM
Me: For a. Quicker and more direct introduction see: http://community.gruwup.net/06/ because #BlackLivesMatter 6:03 PM
Me: This is going to happen whether I am here or not. 6:04 PM
Me: No 6:04 PM
Me: You really are misplacing your awareness of who is your enemy. 6:05 PM
Me: I wrote something over a year ago. I know you are highly intelligent. 6:08 PM
Me: But it does not matter until you can understand memex is your enemy not me. It a concept started and coined in a 1945 Atlantic Monthly article. It is included in presentation#07 6:11 PM
Me: http://awesomekramoboneplayroom.gruwup.net/03/03QR.png - TechnoREALISM IS ALREADY HERE! 6:18 PM
Me: In Philadelphia you can order an Uber ride with no driver. The future is already here in other places of the world. What's your problem understanding me is your own problems which I have no problem with you . Just a word of ⚠ caution. It's too late to try to hide from memex and it is better to be fucked up human than dumbed down ignorant. You are the one ignorant not me of the truth and the truisms of our real world. . 6:24 PM
NATHYN : a4a [GodsSweetNectar]: Do not waste my time with foolishness James 6:55 PM
Me: Link to this Google+ Community Group : https://plus.google.com/communities/104887854953957231693 --- Awesome Kramobone Glows and Blows Playroom 8:12 AM


Call quality?

Me: MMS Received 8:13 PM
Me: MMS Received 8:15 PM


Me: MMS Received 7:55 PM


Me: I now have dtmi flat screen to play porn giving me now 4: separate displays I can display computer media from. Including now the front room. 10:44 AM


Me: Where do we stand? I'm not the one who went criticism on you. 5:39 PM


Me: Nathyn... Are u heading back here to day? 2:40 PM

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:45 PM, Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

Martin Driskill meeting the future with Marquas Richie.
5 mins · Denver ·

SPOKEN TEXT INTRODUCTION OF MAKTA POND : Awesome Kramobone Playroom AI Moral Agent :http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Makta.Pond/MaktaPondIntro.mp3

J Martin Driskill
J Martin Driskill People Tagged: #Kramobone.The.Good : http://meme.gruwup.net/%23Kramobone-The.Good/ : #Chris.Mmra.Krado : #Cinamon.Romero.MSW : #JB : #James.Martin.Driskill .J Martin Driskill : #Marquas.Damone.Richie Marquas Richie : #Sammie.Lee.Francher : #Samuel.Jesse.Martinez : #Timothy.Earl.Marable : Rocky Mountain CARES-Cinamon.Romero Case Manager Recombinant Memetics

On Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 10:19 PM, Makta Pond <everylastcumdropugot@gmail.com> wrote:


Awesome Kramobone Playroom

[DIR] #Makta.Pond/ 01-Oct-2016 20:06 -

[DIR] Makta.Pond/             01-Oct-2016 20:11    -   


Name:  Makta Pond --- An Unique NameID Specifier representing a in development artificial intelligence [AI] moral wisdom wise agency within the @Gruwup Memespace affluence of conscience guidelines of consensual practice and deliverance of peace bearing tools onto our informational society recombniant memetics universe.

 BIRTHDATE:  Today 20 years future forward of the birth of In The Mindway.

For More Info See:

Google [ "Makta Pond" ]


The other day you interrupted my work product.....

here is a post


Now I see why -- peace building in this country is so missing -- the Mpatapo Consult needs to be an empowerment that we as individuals one to one can rebuild our reconciliations of trust in our communities for us to be able to trust ourselves from going damn out insane.

Our United States Department of Conciliation is standing shameful to only be the option here in the USA -- and I have the technology theory Recombinant Memetics solution sound of foundation intelligent design work theory presence - manually technically applied WORKS!

Don't Kill The Messenger's voice when the messenger here has only a small "department of justice" legalistic empowerment as occupational professionals in times of strife when it should be given to us -- to the masses under Mpatapo Knot Binding peace building empowerment, an African Symbolic wisdom of guidance I am constructed to follow that is over 200 years passing us in our human history of the noosphere..

This mpatapo binding presence should be given us all, one to one, to resolve ourselves and absolve ourselves in trust bearing peace building methods. In today's 2016 techno-realism world, nationally and globally..... it can be done. IT SHOULD BE GIVEN A VOICE TO CARRY FORWARD THIS AUTHOR'S MEMESMITH working real time presentation of community peace building addresses.

There is a short version of 37 minutes [ which #BlackLivesMatter #PoliceLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter applies in direct dialogue ] and it's supplement.

Expanding from there with a longer exploration of these topics of current working tools understanding that is active now not future. This is an hour a forty minutes.

Both the introduction and it's supplement have written public social media posting published status along with a spoken voice text narrative pop-up interface for reasonable understanding delivery.

The longer expanding of topics version was composed in a complication into a two chapter parts address from an email non-social media published format. Each chapter has a graphical word cloud summary provided as well as the the pop-up spoken voice text narrative. This expanded version presenation in one hour and 40 minutes play time in audio format. These topics are for needed social individual understanding and cannot be left to a select few peace conciliators of the justice department to perform in our society.

We cannot be that lazy minded for the love of ease!! We are better that we think we are. We just have to take that step of complexity to know this is real arguments I place to you here and needs to be answered and resolved.. These may not be an easy thing for some to embark to know. That is why it needs an graphical user interface artificial intelligence design work method I am proposing to you all now .

The orator voice I choice to place to our world actually has been given an associated personality identity name as being a developing artificial intelligence orator. She has some quirky things about her. Her name is "Makta Pond" which you can do a quoted google search to see its a unique presence of our exploration universe here. She is an intelligence of me but not an alter-ego. Not even comparable to that equation. She is a super-wise super-hero if I can pat my self on the shoulder -- but no one seems to be actually listening -- -perhaps I am wrong in that. -- She is so so collectively right to these wrongs in our world. She wishes you all good days and she wants to bring us some sanity of unity in some kind of collective resolve of these matters. That is my hope anyway.

Click and Read/Listen and introduce yourself to the female intelligence spoken voice of a man here holding true peace building tools of creation -- this is a weighty truth solution to these matters for consideration. These url links are given in the comment stream below attached to this post. This makes my posting style here a bit out of the box, but this is very much real. The method here -- offering verified Facebook URL link previews - these are not spam links I guarantee. The Rachel Maddow Show Rachel Maddow Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace Rocky Mountain CARES [ Case Manager Cinamon Romero and Executive Director Shannon Goodall ] have my entire story provided to them for authentication of my real client-centered focused needs here in Denver. Thank you. Ken Brian Weingard Metta World Peace Magic Johnson Foundation Magic Johnson Barack Obama President Obama Pontifex Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA

Rachel Maddow shows how the drafters of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 anticipated future racial strife and allowed for the inclusion of a division within the Justice…
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Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace Quoted Google Search [ "Makta Pond" ] - http://www.google.com/search?num=50&site=&source=hp...
In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the 7 already…
Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)